Breakfast basket

Breakfast basket

From 01.06.- 01.09.24 it is possible to reserve breakfast items separately, delivered to the refrigerator in the common kitchen of the accommodation. Adults €12/person/morning and children 4 - 12 years old. €8/person/morning.

Buffet breakfast is served in the cafe only if at least 10 breakfast basket orders for the same morning are made in advance. There is a lactose-free and gluten-free option. Vegan cold cuts, yogurts, etc. are not available.

Upon arrival, the staff will inquire about the contents of the breakfast basket in more detail. Please mention in advance in the additional information section if you need a gluten-free or lactose-free breakfast.

Basket contents: Coffee, tea or cocoa accessories 
Yogurt and muesli or oatmeal flakes for making homemade porridge 
Margarine or butter 
Dark or light bread 
Cheese, ham or mettwurst 
Fresh juice 
Tomato or cucumber 
The minimum stay is 2 days
May 2025
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