Pet charge

Pet charge

NOTE! in the booking calendar, "adults" = number of pets.

Pets are welcome to our guests both in the national park and as customers of the camping center with their well-behaved owners. However, the number of pets has increased in recent years, and the removal of their droppings from the camping grounds and campsites has started to employ the camping center's staff.

According to the Hunting Act, the catch period for dogs starts throughout the country on Wednesday, March 1. According to the law, dogs must be kept on a leash from the beginning of March until August 19. The retention period applies to areas outside urban areas. In built-up areas, the public order law requires dogs to be kept on a leash at all times. National parks are nature reserves where plants and animals must have peace. A dog on the loose in a national park breaks the law all year round (nature conservation law). It can harm baby birds and other animals just by startling it.

€5 / pet
The minimum stay is 2 days
May 2025
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